Tuesday, January 20, 2009

6 Weeks

As my Christmas break is beginning to come to a close, I can't help but feel extremely anxious and unreasonably bored. It is officially Tuesday and I am heading back to school in 4 days, but it seems like the time for me to start heading back just can't come fast enough.
I have read all four books in the Twilight series, Blue Like Jazz, The Secret Life of Bees, and various magazines, pamphlets, and road signs.
I have watched a countless amount of movies. A number probably close to around 100.
I have painted, although nothing I paint can truly be considered as "art." It is just swiggles on canvas, a complete waste of resources.
I have written poetry.
I have acquired practically a new wardrobe.
I have enjoyed the rays of sunshine.
I have gone sledding and ate my way through Big Bear.
I have barely watched any TV, which I am actually quite proud of. The only TV I did watch consisted of cooking shows on the Food Network.
I have read my Bible.
I have collaged.
I have spent amazing time with the people I love, which is really all that matters of course.

But (yes, I do have a complaint), I am so sick and tired of doing nothing. I am itching to get back to the fast pace of college life — the deadlines, the meetings, the events, the chapels, the overwhelming amount of people and things all appealing to every sense at once.
I miss the smell of coffee all times, all kinds, all ways.
I miss Family Dinners.
I miss shnapples, shnoranges, and shnartichokes. And shnonquering the shnave.
I miss being in a stinky dorm with furniture that God only knows how many people have sat in, slept on, drooled on, sweated on, spilled food on, farted on, and done any other gross human function on.
I miss pillow talk.
I miss Compton/Lynwood.
I miss my friends, the people who in only a short 4 months, I have come to respect and love.

When Christmas break started, I couldn't wait to get off that campus. I was ready for some real home-cookin and my own room. It's funny to think that now all I want to do is go back. Ain't life grand?

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